Friday, May 29, 2015

the bread-less snack

I've seen this snack done many times through Pinterest, food blogs, food posts and other forms of social media platforms where people share their food. I've wanted to make this snack for a long time but either never had one of the ingredients or just completely forgot about it. Until my mom reminded me one day after lunch before heading to the gym.

Apples with Granola and Almond (Peanut) Butter
1 apple- cut into circles horizontally
1/2 cup of granola
Almond Butter or Peanut butter or any nut butter you have

Chop up apples horizontally into circles- cutting out the seeds and some of the core.
Pair them off by two and spread the nut butter on each side or one side of the apple. Add the granola and sandwich the two apples together.

The bread-less snack for the sandwich lover in me.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

the elephant bread

A tribute to the book and film The Elephant Man about a tale of a man born with elephant like features on his face looking for love and acceptance. This past Memorial Day weekend, instead of barbecuing and hanging outside, I paid tribute to this elephant man and made elephant like banana and blueberry bread
Well, that wasn't the original plan.
The original plan was to make banana bread and blueberry bread respectively for my father to have for his morning breakfast, because there is nothing better than having a homemade breakfast made by your own offspring.
What it turned out was the elephant banana bread and elephant blueberry bread by mistake.

Elephant Banana Bread
4 cups of all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of baking powder
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of salt
2 eggs
1 cup of brown sugar
1 cup milk
1/2 cup of plain yogurt
3/4 cup of melted butter or 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
3 cups of mashed ripe bananas
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

Grease two 9x5 loaf pans or small mini-loaf pans with cooking spray.
Preheat oven to 350F.
In a large bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.
In a medium sized bowl, combine eggs, milk, yogurt, sugar, butter, vanilla and bananas.
Once both bowls are combined, add the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients.
Now, once all is mixed well pour batter into loaf pans, not half way as many recipes will say, but pour it 3/4 of the way full to get the monstrosity of the bread. (Or 1/2 way if you want).
Bake for 50-60 minutes if in loaf pans, if in mini-loaf pans, bake for 30-40 minutes.

Elephant Blueberry Bread
3 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
2 teaspoons of baking powder
Pinch of salt
Dash of nutmeg
1 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 egg
1 cup of plain yogurt
2 cups of fresh blueberries
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 385 degrees.
In a large bowl, whisk flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and nutmeg and set aside.
In a medium sized bowl, mix together sugar, vegetable oil, egg, yogurt, and vanilla and mix until incorporated.
Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients in 1/2 cup intervals until mixture is fully incorporated.
Add in the blueberries and give the mixture one last mix.
Pour into mini-loaf pans and bake for 15-20 minutes.

The monstrosity that is this bread. 
The Elephant Bread.

meat-less for a day

Surprisingly, I was questioned if I was a vegetarian through my last semester of college and my answer was always "No" with a confused look.
So to put it out there on this blog, no I am not a vegetarian. I love meat like Liz Lemon loves her El Sabor de Soledad. But on this particular day, meat was not in my lunch mostly because it hamburger meat wasn't in the fridge so I decided to resort to another alternative.
Black bean burgers.
I had made black bean burgers before, but they had failed in that they collapsed on the pan and they were mostly collapsed black bean burgers. So this time, I was determined to make them stick and be actual black bean burgers. I was and it was going to happen.

Black Bean Burger with Lime Avocado & Chipotle Mayo
2 slices of whole wheat bread
1/2 can of black beans, drained
1/2 onion-chopped
1 clove of garlic
1 egg
1/2 avocado
lime juice
3 teaspoons of mayo
1 teaspoons of chipotle mayo

Turn stove to medium-high heat and drizzle olive oil onto pan. While warming up, chop up the onion. Place chopped onion onto pan and cook until onion is soft and brown.
While onions are cooking, take garlic clove and chop it into pieces and add it with the onion.
Meanwhile, take 1/2 can of beans and drain them. Pour black beans with the onion and garlic mixture and, with a fork, mush the black beans until fully mushed. Some black beans can be left un-mushed.
Cook and mix all ingredients together until the black bean becomes pasty. Remove from heat and place mixture into a bowl. Add the egg and mix well. Mixture will be liquid-y but when mixed well, the egg will absorb the black bean mixture and mixture won't be as liquid.
Return back to the stove at medium-high heat and place a hamburger sized black bean patty onto the pan and let cook for 3-5 minutes and then flip other side.
While patty is cooking, take avocado, cut it out of the shell and mush it together in a bowl and add the lime juice to your desire and mix well.
Take mayo and mix with chipotle mayo (I mixed the both mayos only because the chipotle one was very spicy and the regular mayo brought down the spiciness of the chipotle, but you can keep the chipotle mayo if you like the spice).
Lay out two slices of toasted bread and spread the chipotle mayo mixture on each side.
Once patty is done, place patty on one slice and place lime avocado on top.
Sandwich together with other slice of bread and enjoy the meatless lunch but yet still be a meat lover at heart.

crunch crunch lunch

During the last semester of my senior year, I only went home once and it was during Easter weekend. It was then that I realized my parents are slowly but surely redecorating the house I grew up in since I was four-years-old. With my sister working at Restoration Hardware, my house is slowly turning into a Restoration Hardware magazine.
My childhood home that was once held 90s carpet and weird 90s wallpaper is now rustic with beige, black and brown colors with egg shell white and tan walls, starting from the dining room into the living room.
With the unknown time that I will be here, lord knows what will happen to the rest of the house in the upcoming months. 30 years later and my room with teal walls and Pottery Barn bed sheets and covers from high school will be a brown, beige and tan Restoration Hardware bedroom with a Swedish closet.
The perks of having RH furniture is the perfect coloring background for the culinary paparazzi photos. With having a black wood dining table, the colors of the food pop more and I look like a professional photographer than an awkward 21-year-old wannabe professional with a beige desk and the rest of her crap in the background that is totally seen in the photo.
As seen in this below photo of my lunch last week.

Open-faced prosciutto sandwich
2 slices of whole wheat toast
2 slices of prosciutto
1/2 of hass avocado- sliced
pistachios- crushed

Toast whole wheat bread to your liking.
Once done, lay prosciutto slices on each slice of toast.
Take avocado and cut in half and place slices on top of prosciutto.
Take pistachios and crush with knife and sprinkle on top of toast.
Eat and here the crunch, crunch of the toast and pistachios.


With living at home and days consisting of sitting on my couch watching endless episodes of Chopped and Cupcake Wars, my cooking is getting creative with all the free time that I have.
Question: What does one do with free time? Like with no school, work, internship and no friends within a 20 minute proximity what do you do?
For me, it's cook up anything I can and squeeze it into two pieces of bread, which was the story of my breakfast day three of vacation/unemployment.

Breakfast Sandwich
2 eggs
4 shiitake mushrooms-chopped
2 slices of prosciutto (or ham or bacon)
Mixed Greens
2 slices of whole wheat toast

Preheat oven to 400F. On a cookie sheet, lay aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.
Lay prosciutto on cookie sheet and bake for five minutes, or until crispy.
Preheat stove to medium and drizzle olive oil over the pan.
In a small bowl, crack the eggs and whisk until egg yolk is prominently seen and whisked well.
Take mushrooms and chop into pieces and mix with the scrambled egg mixture.
Mix mushrooms and eggs one last time and pour into preheated pan and cook until all egg is fully cooked.
Take out prosciutto when done and let cool for two minutes.
Lay out pieces of bread and lay a handful of mixed greens. Take out scrambled eggs and place on one side of toast. Top with crispy prosciutto and sandwich together.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

cooking it up part deux

Deux is only one of five words I know in French and I never took French in school, so five words is pretty impressive, don't you think? No. Alright then.
The second day of cooking with a kitchen and I made whole wheat pancakes with a surprise bite inside along with a cup o' joe. Because I can't wake up without my best friend Joe.

Brown Sugar, Bacon Whole Wheat Pancakes
2 cups whole wheat pancake mix
1 cup almond milk (soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk or lactose free milk)
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
2 slices of bacon- cooked and chopped

Preheat oven to 400F.
Take a cookie sheet and lay aluminum foil over it and spray cooking spray over it so foil will stick. Place bacon strips on aluminum foil and sprinkle pepper or olive oil if desired.
Place bacon in oven for 7-10 minutes depending on your oven.
Once bacon is done, lay on paper towel and dab to soak up the grease. Once cooled, cut into small pieces.
Preheat stove to medium and spray pan with cooking spray.
Mix pancake mix, milk, brown sugar and bacon bits together until well incorporated. Once mixed, with a big spoon scoop out pancake mix onto heated pan.
Wait three minutes or until pancake gets bubbly to flip over.
Repeat until pancake mix is gone.
Pair with coffee and have yourself a good morning.

i now have a kitchen

Returning to my home in the East Bay I now have access to a kitchen, which defeats the purpose of this blog, but then again I promised to continue this blog for all the people out there with no kitchen.
I'm in a cooking pickle right now.
So I came up with this solution: I will cook the bejesus out of my kitchen until I am tired of cooking and then the microwave and toaster will be my best friend again or until I get employed and get myself my first big girl apartment.
But for now, I live at my parents house with their kitchen equipped with items I could never have in my tiny kitchen and a stove and an oven.
My first cooking item started last Monday morning with an egg white omelette and a cup o' joe.

Omelette you Finish Kanye, but I had the best breakfast of all time Omelette
2 egg whites
2 slices of prosciutto- cut into pieces
1 teaspoon of cheese
4 teaspoons of chopped mushrooms
Olive Oil

Preheat stove to medium and drizzle a little bit of olive oil over the pan.
Separate egg whites and place in a bowl. Whisk heavily until mixed together well.
Slice prosciutto or any type of ham/bacon you have and chop the mushrooms. Sprinkled cheese in the egg whites and place chopped prosciutto and mushrooms in egg white mixture.
Mix all ingredients together one last time.
Pour egg mixture onto pan and once bottom is cooked, flip one side on top of the other and let sit for about 30 seconds. Then flip the omelette to the other side trying to keep the middle contents inside. (This part gets tricky).
Once fully cooked (no egg is oozing out and liquid-y), take out omelette and place on plate and top it with some Sriracha paired with a cup of coffee.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

all you can take in

It's been a little more than a week since I finally ended my academic career and it's the weirdest feeling. You've known your whole life where you are going, what you are going to do and what is the next step. From kindergarten, to elementary school, to junior high, high school and then college, every step has been planned out. But now, with not knowing what the next step is, it's nerve-wrecking yet exciting, but mostly nerve-wrecking.
So as I continue this blog, as promised, you will see the ups and downs of my cooking, my budget and my unemployment lifestyle until the wonderful day when I am an employed adult with a pair of big girl pants. In the meantime, I ate my feelings through sushi with my boss and co-workers under $20 which was an accomplishment.

Restaurant: Hikuni Sushi Bar & Hibachi
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Items Ordered: Salad, Crunchy Shrimp Roll (x2), Shrimp Roll, Yellow tail Roll, Rainbow Roll
Total Cost: $18.22

The trick to all you can eat sushi is to be careful on how much water you drink, and not have tempura as your first roll, it fills you up easily with. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

the 100th

The time has finally come. The 100th post. The posts of all posts and the posts to end this senior seminar project.
I've thought long and hard on how I would write this 100th post and many ideas of come to mind: 100 exclamation points, 100 cupcakes, 100 pictures of food that I have made etc.
But then I thought about it some more in the few times of free time that I have had. I thought about it on the way to class, on the way to the library, before I go to bed with Netflix, and sitting at  Starbucks.
I've thought long and hard on how I wanted to write this 100th post and make this meaningful and not just leave you be.
I've thought long and hard and finally figured out what I will dedicate my 100th post to.

When I started to bake and cook, people started to ask me "Why do you bake and cook so much?" and I give the "Oh because I like it!" or the "It's therapeutic for me" line, but never really got in depth of why I love to bake and cook.
It wasn't until this senior seminar project that I finally realized the reason why I baked and cooked so much and why I shared it with people.
The reason for all of this was because of my grandfather.

To get the full understanding, here is a brief story about my grandfather.
I did an immigration report on him in the 4th grade so all the information was from that project that I surprisingly remember. Also to my family reading this, if there is information missing or wrong, please let me know, k thanks.

My grandfather was born in 1932 in a small village in Spain near the Pyrenees Mountains with five brothers and one sister. At the age of 16, my grandfather and his brother, my great uncle, left their home in the village to live in Uruguay with their aunts. There my grandfather participated in motorcycle races and worked in a bar with his uncles. Years later he met my grandmother and then they had my mother. When my mother was three, my grandfather moved his family to the East Coast for a brief time and then moved to San Francisco where they would reside for 20 plus years. 
During the time of my grandfather moving around, he was separated from his family in Spain and had not seen them in over 10 years. My grandfather took my grandmother to Spain, for her first time and it was then that my grandfather was reunited with his younger brother who was a year old when my grandfather left for Uruguay. My grandfather and his younger brother reunited and him and my grandfather's older brother moved to California where the three out of the six siblings resided. 
Living in San Francisco my grandfather worked as a gardner and then began to work at Boudin Bakery (which is where the baking comes in). He was well known in the Boudin community and still to this day. When my family passes the Boudin Bakery in Pier 39 San Francisco, we take a pit stop to see some of the workers who worked with my grandfather and they immediately recognize us and welcome us with bread and recognize us as "Alejandra, hija de Martin" or "Estibaliz/ Ivonne nietas de Martin" (Translation: Alejandra daughter of Martin or Estibaliz/Ivonne (<--my sister) granddaughters of Martin). 
My grandfather made his impact in Boudin and he made his impact on our family. 
With being separated from his family for so long, my grandfather made a point that while he was in San Francisco, the family that was there would be together for any occasion, whether it was holidays, birthdays, religious ceremonies or just because. My grandfather wanted our family to be together for everything as much as we could and he did a damn good job of it.
Growing up, I was surrounded by my extended family for so long that I thought they were my immediate family. My childhood memories are being with my cousins, aunts and uncles all the time. It wasn't until I was in elementary school that I realized what an extended family was and that my family only consisted of my mom, my dad, my sister and myself. Upon that realization, I still felt weird about the idea. I never considered my cousins to be a part of my extended family, they were my family and that's what my grandfather wanted. 

Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away in 2004 of leukemia and to this day it still hurts. Sometimes when I'm at family parties, I take a step back and observe us all. All the crazy, rambunctious group that we are, all together laughing and being loud and it was all because of him.
I hear stories of how people have annual family reunions and only see them during that time and it has always weirded me out. I couldn't imagine seeing my entire family just one time out of the year, I don't think it would be the same and I don't think I would have those great childhood memories that I do now.
My grandfather's death may still hurt maybe because of the fact that my sister and I were his only grandchildren. My mother is an only child so having the two of us to himself and to my grandmother was a privilege and exciting times for him. Lord knows how many times I persuaded him to do so many things without my mother's permission and gotten him in trouble for it, but he always just sat there with a smile despite my mom's anger not wanting to bring disappointment to his granddaughter as several grandparents do.
My grandfather was one of kind, just like many are to their grandkids.
My grandfather is the reason why I do the things that I do. I bake and cook to bring people together. I write to bring people together.
When I bake and cook, I try to share my food with others to bring us together, there is something satisfying about creating a meal and having people sit down together and enjoying it and talking over it. When I make dessert for my family and they sit and eat it and converse, I sit back and watch them, knowing that maybe my grandfather felt like this at family parties. Just sitting back with his 80s glasses and looking at the family talking, laughing and playing and just enjoying the moment.
I write because it brings people together in one place. When you think about it, for example,  book clubs bring people together. Authors write books for people to enjoy and those book clubs bring people together to discuss the book and bond over something, just like my grandfather did with our family and our bond of being related.
I think about my grandfather when I'm asked of why I bake/cook so much, but chose the other option to save myself from tears and the long story, but here you go, the final answer.
I always tell people that if I were to get a tattoo (emphasis is IF mom) I would get it on my inner left arm, of a wooden spoon and in that wooden spoon would be the nickname my sister and I used to call him "Anino". It would be a reminder of the reason why I do the things that I do.
I have complained about graduating and becoming an adult on this blog, only because it terrifies me because sometimes I have freak outs of what I will do with my life or I put myself down that writing isn't a talent or it won't bring me anywhere. But then I look at my blank inner left arm and imagine having that mark on my skin and it comes back to me of why I chose to do writing, why I chose to bake/cook for people.
My grandfather is the reason why I do it all.
This post is a surprise for my family, so I did not get the best picture of him, so this was all I could find via the Internet.
Sorry fam.
Martin "Anino" Vizcay

Thank you to all who came up to me telling me that they appreciate this blog. Thank you to all who said I have a sense of humor. Thanks to all who tried my recipes in their basic kitchens and thank you to all for reading. I really did appreciate all the compliments, self-esteem boosters and views. My senior seminar presentation was successful and I finally got my A.
People have asked if I were to continue this and I was back-and-forth on it for a while, but I've come to the conclusion of yes. Although I will be home in the East Bay for a while and have access to a stove and oven, I will attempt to make as many recipes as I can with a microwave and toaster. I will still stay on a budget because I am currently unemployed, although I hope not to be soon.
Thank you all again and Bon Appetit.

local outings part three

When trying to ration out my food for the next week, eating out is the solution, or so it seems.
Friday afternoon when I went to get necessities, I bought myself a burrito from the local grocery store  in hopes of eating it over the weekend.
I've only had like five bites but let's be honest, my sleeping schedule has been whacked up since Thursday night so my eating schedule has been whacked up too.
But it was under $20 so it went with the theme of local outings that are posted on this blog.
If you are a local in the Rohnert Park or Santa Rosa area then you know that Olive's burritos are the bees knees. Like other than their sandwiches, you go for their burritos because they are delicious and filling.
Ugh so good.
And their burrito makers aren't bad looking either ::awkward wink:: until I found out that one of them flirts with any girls that order burritos, which was to my disappointment as I seriously thought we had a thing going on and he liked me even when I came with a messy bun and no makeup.
Of course.
Regardless of the cute burrito makers there, Olive's burritos are delicious and filling and if you are in the Sonoma County area, do yourself a favor and eat their burritos and sandwiches or both, no judgement.

Location: Rohnert Park, CA
Food of Choice: Regular Oliver's burrito with carne asada, black beans, brown rice, pico de gallo, cilantro, cheese and sour cream with chips
Total Cost:  $6.49

::Picture not shown as my iPhoto is on the fritz but I know you can imagine it::

post-adult night breakfast

As my academic career comes to an end, every moment with people counts which sounds cheesy but is totally true. You want to spend all the time you can with the people you meet in college as some day, you may not see them again or for a very long time. Some of those nights may contain a lot of adult beverages that in the next morning, you slightly remember the night before but still wake up with a smile on your face that it happened and not a pool of tears in your pillow.
Or in my case with a hungry stomach and the laziness to walk to Starbucks.
In a state of dehydration from too many adult beverages, I whipped up some Philz Coffee and made myself the breakfast sandwich below.

B.A.E. Sandwich- Bacon And Eggs Sandwich
2 pieces of toast
3 slices of bacon
2 eggs
Goat cheese

Toast the bread to your liking. While bread is toasting, microwave bacon to 3-4 minutes depending on your liking of bacon crispy-ness.
In a small bowl, crack the eggs and whip them with a fork until the yolk has taken over. Add salt and pepper, some milk (if desired) and some shredded cheese.
Once bacon is done, take out and let cool and dab with paper towel to get some of the grease off. Cut into two slices.
Take scrambled egg mixture and microwave for 1 minute or until eggs are scrambled and cooked.
Mix with fork.
Lay out toast and spread goat cheese on each side, or butter or nothing. Lay bacon slices on each side and place scrambled eggs on each side of the toast. Carefully put the bread together and eat with a cup of Philz Coffee and take advantage of eating breakfast in bed.

Leslie Knope's power food

As an avid watcher of Parks and Recreation, and still in denial that it is over, I have come to realize that I am a version of Leslie Knope but with brown hair and a lot more broke.

Reasons Why I'm Leslie Knope
I love to organize and color coat everything and anything, just ask the people around me.
There are many nights where I live off of four hours of sleep.
I have been drunk enough to mumble "Glenn Close" to my friends.
I have sang "Everybody pants now!" multiple times, sober and not sober.
I love waffles.

The last one is the biggest one. Those close to me know my love of waffles and know that I own a waffle maker and use it on the daily.
I love waffles. I order them when I can at brunch in any flavor with anything inside and lots of whipped cream when I can.
But I usually take them with chocolate chips and cinnamon on the regular.
Waffles are the reason why I am friends with some of the people today.
Take, for instance, my friend Brandon the Taco Bell lover as noted in this blog.
After a year of being out of the country and returning back to my old job, we were standing in a circle doing an awkward "Get to know you" game when, in the middle of it, he turns to me and asked
"So...when are you making me waffles?"

And our friendship began and me and the waffles became stronger as friends.
I think waffles have been more in my life than any other boy ever.. which is sad but at the same time kind of great because feel most like Leslie Knope when I'm with waffles.
I have tried multiple waffle recipes to get the right one and yet I haven't. I have tried from the box, from scratch, with eggs, with no eggs, with not flavoring etc. They have turned out edible and good but nothing amazing as of yet. My goal in life before I die is to make the perfect waffles.
Crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside, like a warm chocolate chip cookie.
No waffle has compared to the consistency of a warm chocolate chip cookie, but one day it will.
In the meantime, here is a recipe to make waffles and multiple pictures of waffles that I have taken throughout the year.
Enjoy with a tub of whipped cream.

Waffle Recipe
2 cups of all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of buttermilk
6 tablespoons of butter
2 large eggs

Preheat waffle iron/maker.
Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.
In another bowl, whisk buttermilk, melted butter and eggs. Add in flour mixture until batter is just combined.
Brush vegetable oil on waffle maker. Pour batter into waffle maker and wait for about 3-5 minutes until waffles are golden and cooked through.
Eat them with whipped cream, fruit sugar glaze as my friend Brandon likes it, with chocolate chips, maple syrup, whatever floats your waffle boat.

From the brunch place "The Naked Pig-The bacon waffle"

Saturday, May 9, 2015

one day you're in and the next day you're out

I totally stole this from Project Runway but it totally applies to what I will be talking about.
In n Out.
If you are not a California native, this place might seem unfamiliar but if you are, you know exactly what I am talking about and are probably on the way there.

The Life and Times of In n Out
In n Out first opened in Baldwin Park, CA in 1948 and was the first drive-thru hamburger stand in California.
Fast forward to 1992, when In n Out first opened in its non-California place of Las Vegas, Nevada and then rapidly grew to Northern California and several popping in Arizona, Utah, Nevada and a few in Texas.
But In n Out will always be known to be a California love and native.
In n Out was the go to place in my high school days and in my college school days as well. Like last night when I had it twice in a span of five hours.
Please don't judge me mom and please don't judge me readers.
K thanks.

Location: Rohnert Park, CA and all over CA, NV, AZ, UT, TX
Items Bought:
1- Animal Style Fries (fries with sautéed onions and In n Out's secret sauce) & a Vanilla Milkshake
Cost: $6.14
2- Cheeseburger with Fries and Water
Cost: $6.28
Total Cost: $12.42

Again don't judge me, I mean how could you not? These both look delicious and after being hungover from too much "chocolate milk" this still looks good the morning/afternoon after.
Treat yo'self to In n Out because one day you're in In n Out and one day you're not.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

when I went grocery shopping that one time...

Gearing towards the end, my grocery shopping has gotten less and less and my bank account has suffered through all the outings and multiple coffee buys (but mostly on the coffee buys).
The last time I went grocery shopping by myself was April 17th and the rest were little buys, stretching the rest of my food and having my mom pay for some of the things (I mean that's what moms are for...right?)
But it's better late then never to share my grocery list as it is summer and summer means more fruits and vegetables and bright colored dishes.
I summertime food as much as I love this below grocery list as I was under by 16 cents.
Ugh, so proud.

April 17th Grocery List
Lactose Free Milk- $2.69
Canned Corn- $0.69
Guittard Chocolate Chips- $2.49
Vanilla Extract- $2.49
2 Tomatos- $3.07
Dried Cranberries- $3.39
Shelled Pistachios- $5.99
Chia Seeds- $7.99
3 Avocados- $3.87
3 Bananas- $1.89
Total: $34.84

Ugh, I'm so proud and my anger towards chia seeds is slowly starting to lessen each day.
Maybe when I come back home to the East Bay I will be more confident in shopping at Whole Foods, mostly because I'm starting to love it and mostly because they are opening one closer to my home.
I'm coming for you Whole Foods, get ready.

saving mr. bakes

A play off of the Tom Hanks movie and the first thing that popped in my head when thinking of the title, this post is about baking and how baking saves my sanity and my day.
Which leads to yesterday when making the brownies below preventing me from having my 5th meltdown this week.
It's senior send off week, so please don't judge.
The brownies below were a thank you gift for my internship boss and she listened to my rants about how "weird" life after college is and how job hunting sucks and how I am broke, unemployed and single.
My life is a premise of a sad movie and Jennifer Lawrence will play the part of me and cupcakes and waffles will play the part of my boyfriend and Tina Fey and Amy Poehler will be the writers.
It will be a fantastic movie, yes it will.

Segway back to the brownies. If it weren't for these brownies, who knows what would have kept me sane Tuesday afternoon.

Therapeutic Peanut Butter Brownies
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1/3 cup of butter, softened
2/3 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of packed sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup of cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 350F.
In a medium-sized bowl, mix together peanut butter and butter until smooth. Add in brown sugar, white sugar, eggs and vanilla and mix until fluffy.
In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, and salt and stir.
Mix flour mixture into peanut butter mixture in 1/4 cup intervals and mix until well blended.
Bake for 30 minutes and cut into squares.
Carry them around school until you give them to your boss as a thank you because you know that she secretly loves chocolate and peanut butter.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

it's not toast this time

Being a night owl, I am a fan of late night snacks. Savory, sweet, bread-y, nutty, sweet, fruity, any time at night any snack. 
Lately, my late night snacks have consisted of dessert in a mug or toasts but last night neither of those food sounded appetizing. 
I was working my last shift (Hallelu!) when I craved a late night snack, obviously. 
Instead of reaching for my toaster or microwave, I reached towards my fridge and pantry and grabbed a snack that my mom used to make my sister and I when we were little.
Apples and Peanut Butter.
You can never go wrong with this combination ever. It's like PB&J, Mac n Cheese, Bacon and Eggs, etc. 
It's delicious and I didn't feel guilty about eating it.
Being the adult that I am, instead of putting my peanut butter in a bowl like my mother would, I simple dunked the apple slices into the peanut butter and ate it out of the jar. It's easier, you get more peanut butter that way and dishes are not involved.
It's fantastic. 

Apples & Peanut Butter
1 apple or 1/2 of an apple- sliced
Peanut Butter (or almond butter or cashew butter or equivalent nutty butter)

Slice apples and place on a napkin. Open peanut butter and dunk apple slices in peanut butter or be a grown up and place peanut butter in bowl and do it that way.
Whatever floats your boat. 

overnight breakfast

If you are like me and not a morning person, this breakfast is for you, if you are a morning person, well then this breakfast is still for you.
Mentioned previously, I have a ton of oatmeal that my pantry can handle and looking for ways to use it so I'm not so overwhelmed with oatmeal. Last night I made a small dent in this oatmeal overload when I made the most intense (so far) packed-full oatmeal that I have probably made or seen.

Pack-ton overnight oatmeal
1/4 cup of rolled oats
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of brown sugar
3 tablespoons of chopped apples
2 tablespoons of dried fruit
3 tablespoons of chia seeds
1/3 cup of milk

In a bowl, place oatmeal and add cinnamon and brown sugar to it. Mix ingredients well. 
Chop apples into small squares and place in bowl and add dried fruits. Mix all ingredients together and add in mason jar, if available or keep in bowl. Pour in chia seeds and mix. Add in milk and make sure all ingredients are incorporated with the milk.
Leave in fridge for 30 minutes or overnight.
When done, microwave for 1 minute and eat.
Feel the fullness and the amount of pack-ton food in it.
The most intense oatmeal ever that it doesn't even look like oatmeal. 

say "cheese"

If you have grown up with a mother like mine in which she had a camera in her hand at all events and milestones of you and your older siblings' life, then you will understand that the word "cheese" was part of your vocabulary ever since you could talk.
The reason as to why Americans say "cheese" when taking pictures is a mystery to me unless I Google it, but I have been on Google job hunting for the past two months and I'm taking a break, so you can Google it for me thanks.
Like why "cheese"? Is it because of the pronunciation that makes our mouths form in a smile? Why not other words that do that, like please, ease, lease, or even bubbles.
Try saying "bubbles" in an angry voice, you can't do it.
But for some odd reason, that I will still not Google, "cheese" as been the main word said in multiple photographs.
Other than supposedly making people smile, the edible cheese has benefits that can make us smile, even for those lactose intolerant.

Health Benefits of Cheese
-cheese contains a lot of nutrients such as calcium, protein, phosphorous, zinc, vitamin A and Vitamin B12. These provide the body with essentials for strong muscles. (Those who are lactose intolerant can have aged cheese such as Swiss or Cheddar that contain little to no lactose).
-cheese has saturated fat has minimal impact on heart disease risk
- to reduce calories in your meal, sprinkle harder or sharp cheeses on top for taste

So whether you are lactose in tolerant, or love cheese like the next person does, eat the cheese, be happy that you love cheese and smile when you eat it.

in the hole

Before any dirty thoughts pop in your head, let me explain the title of the post for the rest of this blog entry.
I'm on my last days of my academic career which I repeat on this blog multiple times and will continue to repeat until May 17th when I wake up in my bed in my hometown with a slight panic attack.
I was also on my last avocado. The end is near and contents of my pantry and fridge are on their last leg just like me (metaphorically that is.)
Instead of making guacamole, or putting it on toast or mushing it up, I decided to go back to my summer job roots of sitting in the front desk of my job eating avocado straight out of the shell.
Recreating my summer job ways when life was simple and all I worried about was getting sunburned and not making kids drown, I ate the avocado pretending that I had no worries and college graduation was just a dream.
It didn't help.
I ate the whole avocado while watching Netflix and sat in my chair and sulked. No matter how much I try, the thought of leaving and become a grown-up is terrifying. Also I was sad that I was out of avocados.

Goat Cheese in Avocado with Dried Cranberries
1 avocado- cut in half
Goat cheese
dried cranberries (or any dried fruit)

Cut avocado in half and take out the pit. Lather goat cheese in the hole (the title of this blog) and sprinkle dried fruit or any nuts that you have. Sprinkle salt and pepper and eat with spoon.
I have 11 days until I will be done and 11 days until I will be quiet about graduation.
I apologize for talking about it so much, but thank you to all who are tolerating me. I really do appreciate it, in return I will come to your house and make you something, just give me a time and date.
Okay thanks bye. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

local outing with the spinster sisters part dos

Sunday Brunches are the new thing within hipsters and young-ins these days. I'm not sure how it got started or how brunch became an ordeal on Sunday mornings but they are.
Waking up early to fill your stomach with breakfast food at a later breakfast time to the point of a food coma where you then spend your Sundays laying in bed napping with Netflix waiting until the food coma ends.
It's exhausting but it's delicious and worth it.
I have gone to several brunches in my college time, to different places around the Bay Area and in Sweden, putting my stomach through multiple food comas. It is a never ending cycle of food comas and I enjoy it all the time.
This Sunday morning (so, like today) I did not put my stomach through that, fortunately and decided to be frugal yet adventurous with my bunch.
Normally, I put my body through pancakes, waffles or eggs benedict that are delicious and mouth watering, but today was not that day.
Looking at the menu, I decided to be different that the normal waffle/pancake/eggs benedict, and go for something less brunch-y.
I know, the brunch gods may haunt me for this, but I'm on a budget for the week and I wasn't really that hungry.

Place: The Spinster Sisters
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Food of Choice: Crostini with cream and strawberry onion jelly*
Cost: $12

*I know strawberry onion jelly sounds weird and gross, but being the adventurous eater that I am, it was delicious and the jelly was not onion-y. Also the waitress approved my order and said it was her favorite and it's always a confidence boost when the waiter approves your order.

local outings

With this blog coming to a close and hitting my goal (whether or not I will continue this blog is still up to date), my ideas of what to make are going blank and the stress level is high.
Sitting on my bed (which is something I usually do as you may know by now), I was thinking of what recipes I could make in the upcoming week before I present this blog to 40 students and then it came to me, via a text message.
My friend Olivia, the one who I snuck into her kitchen though her screen door hoping the cops didn't catch me friend Olivia, had invited me to get dinner at Ike's Sandwiches, a local sandwich place that has been poppin' in the Bay Area. (The cool kids still say "poppin" right? I hope so).
That's when the idea came to me, college students go out to eat every once in a while to explore the area around them and get away from cafeteria food.
88 posts in and I just figure this out. I could have had segments on going out on a budget but it took me until May to figure it out.
Go me.
But it's never to late, as this time around people are going out to eat to get the last meal at this place and so forth.
So this segment covers "How to go out on a budget under $20" by Estibaliz Romeo.

Place: Ike's Place in Santa Rosa and all over Bay Area
Item of Eating Choice: Menage a Trois: BBQ, Cheddar, Halal Chicken, Honey Mustard, Pepper Jack, Real Honey, Swiss
Total Cost: $10.68

It was bomb, the sandwiches are big and filling and I will repeat, it was bomb.
If you are ever in the Bay Area, go to this place, eat the sandwich be in love with Ike's and his place.

procrastination snack

With my last academic graduation coming close in two weeks, packing/ the idea of packing has come to mind.
For those who have packed and unpacked, it sucks. Like it really sucks. It's a whole days work to pack what you need, what you don't need, what you need to break down, what you can throw away and then the screaming in your head of "HOW DID YOU ACCUMULATE SO MUCH CRAP THESE PAST 10 MONTHS?!?!"
Every year, this happens and every year I accumulate an immense amount of crap that is unnecessary for a 18-21 year old.
Then during the process of packing, you find excuses of why you shouldn't pack or why you should stop packing, such as:
1- Your arms and leg start to hurt so you need to sit down to rest and watch just ONE episode of Netflix.
2- That one episode of Netflix then turns into four, then six, then eight, and then a whole season.
3- You finally get up from your chair and pack some more because you realize it's 10 p.m.
4- You pack for 15 minutes and then realize that you are sweaty and gross and should take a shower
5- Find a good song to listen to in the shower which requires 10-15 minutes.
6- Take shower with perfect song
7- Dry off and change into comfy PJ clothes.
8- Attempt to pack but then realize that your body is warm and cozy and walk to your bed
9- Pass out with Netflix and wake up the next morning regretting all your decisions.

It happens every year and every year I tell myself that it won't happen, but it doesn't.
Packing is stressful and exhausting.
Which is why I made the below recipe, in hopes that it would give me the energy to pack some more, but it didn't. I just ended up eating the whole thing and continued to watch Netflix.
I will never learn.

Chia Seed Pudding with Pistachios and Dried Cranberries
1/3 cup of milk
3 tablespoons of chia seeds
pistachios (or any other nut you have)
dried cranberries (or any other fruit  you have)

In a small bowl or mug, pour milk and then add chia seeds. Mix the seeds into the milk so that it is easier for the seeds to absorb the milk.
Leave mixture in for 30-45 minutes. Once done, add the pistachios (or nuts) and dried cranberries ( or other fruit) on top and and eat.

Eat and procrastinate on packing, mostly because you are in full denial that your academic career is almost over and the real world is just a really scary place with will scary things. 


I normally don't use "bae" in my vocabulary as it means "poop" in another language and I don't like calling someone "poop" in a loving way. It's just weird.
Also the phrase came out when I was abroad and any lingo that came when I was abroad is still foreign to me and I still refuse to use it.
The only reason I am using it for the title of this post, is because for a while, when "bae" came into the American lingo, I literally thought it meant "bacon and eggs".
I'm dead serious.
It wasn't until I looked in Urban Dictionary and read what it actually meant:
"Before Anyone Else" Or another way to say babe or baby.
I still like "bacon and eggs" better.
Which leads me into this post's of "food of the day"
The love of many, the "bae" that will probably be in your life longer than any man or woman. The greasy fat that has everyone worrying about their health. 
Ron Swanson's kind of meat and the "manliest of meat". 
Even the word itself just has my mouth watering, wanting the greasy fat and meat.
No matter how many times I say it, the craving for it, gets more and more. 
Okay I'm done now.
Despite all the health worries, bacon does contain nutrients needed for good health, however within moderation. 

Health Benefits of Bacon
-Bacon contains grams of protein and provides amino acids that is needed in your body. The protein helps your body maintain lean muscle, hormone balance, brain function, and keeps tissues in your body healthy and functioning. 
- Bacon contains the vitamin- Vitamin B-12 which is important for healthy red blood cells. This vitamin helps make hemoglobin which is a protein that helps blood transport oxygen. Eating Vitamin B-12 also helps metabolize fats and protein, plays a role in brain function and protects you from nerve damage. 
-Bacon contains iron which is a mineral essential for hemoglobin production. 

Bacon is also recommended to be eaten in moderation as eating too much may cause health risks.
So instead of eating 8 pieces of bacon, having 1-2 a day or every other day is probably the best choice, or turkey bacon as a substitute is a better alternative. I have had turkey bacon and it is not that bad, which says something.

feed your feelings

I am now declaring every Friday "Feed Your Feelings Friday".
As a senior ending her academic career in two weeks, feelings are coming in and out and my emotions and are a roller coaster.
If you are not a senior in college, this may not make sense, if you are or ever have been, then this will make complete and total sense.
Ending your academic career and heading into the real world is the most scariest thing and having people remind you everyday does not help, it only freaks it you out more.
Also the fact that my cap and gown sits on my couch staring at me hauntingly, reminding me that the time is coming.
So on Friday, after a staff meeting where, then again, the topic of graduation, leaving and heading into the real world popped up, I headed home and instead of crying, I ate my feelings in this cookie in a mug below.

Okay, I cried a little.

Gluten Free Cookie in a Mug
1 mashed banana
1 cup of rolled oats
2 tablespoons of honey
1/4 cup of almond butter (or peanut butter)
1/2 teaspoons of vanilla
1/3 cup of chocolate chips

In a bowl, mash the banana well and add the almond (peanut) butter. Once mixed, add the oats, honey and vanilla and mix well until all ingredients are incorporated.
Add in chocolate chips.
Mircrowave for 2-4 minutes (This requires more time in the microwave, as it does not have flour nor eggs).
Sit in bed and eat your feelings.
It helps if Netflix is there, Netflix always listens and knows what to show to make your smile.
Thanks Netflix.

combining everything in my pantry

You ever have one of those days when you take what you have in your pantry/fridge and stick on a piece of bread and call it a sandwich, kind of day?
That was me on Wednesday. Usually I during my 30 minute free time before a meeting and class, I prepare a well-colored salad that is posted on the Insta (<-- that's what the cool kids call it right?)
But my spinach wilted and I had to throw it away and my vegetables contained of tomatoes and carrots so a salad was out of the picture. I looked in my pantry and found a loaf of bread and my typical combo of dried cranberries and pistachios (no I do not have a problem). I then opened my fridge and found my mini-tub go goat cheese and a tupperware of black bean and corn and took that out.
Combine all those ingredients together and BAM, you have a sandwich filled with components that will fall out when you take one bite.
Clearly I did not think this sandwich through.

Black Bean, Corn, Pistachio, Dried Cranberries Sandwich
2 loaves of bread
2 tablespoons of black beans
2 tablespoons of corn
1 tablespoon of pistachio (or any nut you have)
1 tablespoon of dried cranberries (or any dried fruit you have)
Spreadable Goat Cheese

Take two pieces of bread and lay flat. Spread goat cheese on each side. Place black bean and corn on each side and then add the pistachios and dried cranberries. Put sandwiches together carefully to not let any of the contents spill.