Press Start

Hi there, my name is Estibaliz Romeo and I really like food. 

I come from the East Bay of California but currently reside in Sonoma County and attend Sonoma State University studying Media & Communications. 
This blog was created originally for my Senior Seminar class as my Senior Project, but secretly I have been wanting to do this blog since the beginning of time but never had the chance and this class was the excuse to do it. 

The purpose:
I don't have a kitchen. 
I know. How does a 21 year old, lover of food and all things edible not have a stove or oven or a even a kitchen table. Easy. I am an RA on campus and like most students on campus, I'm struggling. 
This blog is to challenge my mini-kitchen that I have (and by mini I mean a microwave and a fridge) to create healthy, delicious, want to eat over and over again meals on a budget  while doing my best to avoid eating cafeteria pizza. Don't get me wrong, I love pizza like the next college students does but eating it constantly is a burden to my body. 
Also there are times where  I'm just too lazy to put on real clothes and leave my little apartment so making food at home is a little easier and I don't have to feel guilty and gross afterwards.

I hope you enjoy this blog and the little food that comes out of it, no really, I hope you like it because my grade depends on this blog. 

Peace. Love. Nommie Noms. 

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