Sunday, May 3, 2015

local outing with the spinster sisters part dos

Sunday Brunches are the new thing within hipsters and young-ins these days. I'm not sure how it got started or how brunch became an ordeal on Sunday mornings but they are.
Waking up early to fill your stomach with breakfast food at a later breakfast time to the point of a food coma where you then spend your Sundays laying in bed napping with Netflix waiting until the food coma ends.
It's exhausting but it's delicious and worth it.
I have gone to several brunches in my college time, to different places around the Bay Area and in Sweden, putting my stomach through multiple food comas. It is a never ending cycle of food comas and I enjoy it all the time.
This Sunday morning (so, like today) I did not put my stomach through that, fortunately and decided to be frugal yet adventurous with my bunch.
Normally, I put my body through pancakes, waffles or eggs benedict that are delicious and mouth watering, but today was not that day.
Looking at the menu, I decided to be different that the normal waffle/pancake/eggs benedict, and go for something less brunch-y.
I know, the brunch gods may haunt me for this, but I'm on a budget for the week and I wasn't really that hungry.

Place: The Spinster Sisters
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Food of Choice: Crostini with cream and strawberry onion jelly*
Cost: $12

*I know strawberry onion jelly sounds weird and gross, but being the adventurous eater that I am, it was delicious and the jelly was not onion-y. Also the waitress approved my order and said it was her favorite and it's always a confidence boost when the waiter approves your order.

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