Tuesday, May 26, 2015

all you can take in

It's been a little more than a week since I finally ended my academic career and it's the weirdest feeling. You've known your whole life where you are going, what you are going to do and what is the next step. From kindergarten, to elementary school, to junior high, high school and then college, every step has been planned out. But now, with not knowing what the next step is, it's nerve-wrecking yet exciting, but mostly nerve-wrecking.
So as I continue this blog, as promised, you will see the ups and downs of my cooking, my budget and my unemployment lifestyle until the wonderful day when I am an employed adult with a pair of big girl pants. In the meantime, I ate my feelings through sushi with my boss and co-workers under $20 which was an accomplishment.

Restaurant: Hikuni Sushi Bar & Hibachi
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Items Ordered: Salad, Crunchy Shrimp Roll (x2), Shrimp Roll, Yellow tail Roll, Rainbow Roll
Total Cost: $18.22

The trick to all you can eat sushi is to be careful on how much water you drink, and not have tempura as your first roll, it fills you up easily with. 

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