Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 7 of #datbreadlesslifedoe

It's been one week, and I'm surviving. Like Destiny's Child surviving. The bread cravings go away and so do the sugar cravings. I don't pretend that my morning shake is a doughnut and I don't secretly wish that my salad is covered in chocolate.
All in all, everything is okay.
Except for lunchtime.
The original detox states that for lunch a hearty salad is recommended and as a lover of spinach salad it was no big deal, until after day two when I was done eating a salad and just a salad. I couldn't survive eating just salad for lunch for the ten days because knowing me, I would get sick of it and then take a while for me to come back to salad and I didn't want to risk that. I thought I would be creative with my lunch specials and I definitely did but it's mostly something stuffed int something else. Egg stuffed in an avocado, egg stuffed in a bell pepper and stuffed tomato. It was all just a bunch of stuff. Just like this lunch that was stuffed with stuff.

Stuffed Apple with Mixed Greens
1 apple (fuji or granny smith- I had granny smith because I like the tartness mixed with the stuff, but whatever your stuffed heart desires)
1/4 sausage-chopped

Preheat oven to 400F.
Take apple and cut off the top part and cut out the insides of the apple, leaving 1/2 inch on the bottom.
Take sausage and chop into pieces and place in small bowl. Drizzle honey and chopped walnuts on top.
Place apple in the center of a cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes or until sausage is fully cooked.
Once cooled, place on a bed of mixed greens.
Eat and enjoy the sweet, savory crunch of a savory apple pie.

Five hours later.....
Dinnertime, the most easiest meal to eat throughout this whole process, but yet so difficult during the summer.
Summertime consists of outdoor BBQ, lemonade made from fresh lemons or powder, iced (soy) lattes, flip-flops and a permanent sock tan after wearing shoes for ONE DAY and hamburgers. Lots and lots of hamburgers. A cold beer and a hamburger. Ugh. I always say if I had one meal on earth it would be a big juicy hamburger and a large cold IPA. One of the main things I asked for after I returned from Sweden and finally being legal was a beer and a burger from the local brewery in my hometown. 
But with the detox of no bread and sugar, hamburgers were extinct in my family's menu, until my mom and I discovered portobello mushroom burgers and all our hamburger worries disappeared. 

Portobello Mushroom Burgers
4 large portobello mushroom caps
2 burger patties
Olive Oil
2 eggs
Mixed greens

Preheat oven to 375F.
Cover baking sheet with aluminum foil. 
Take portobello mushroom caps and cut off the stems and rub to make sure caps are clean. Place mushroom caps on baking sheet and drizzle olive oil, salt and pepper on each side well. Place in oven for 10 minutes or until mushroom caps are a dark dark brown.
While in oven, cook the burger patties to your liking (medium rare, medium, rare, well done etc). Fry two eggs until well cooked. 
Once mushroom caps are cooked, burgers are set and egg is fried, place caps on a plate, and layer burger patty, egg and then mixed greens and carefully sandwich the two caps together (Note: mushrooms caps will be hot if not cooled for more than five minutes). 
Eat with knife and fork like they do in Europe or eat with hands like they do in America, whatever your international lifestyle is.

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