Sunday, April 12, 2015

my favorite combo

Did you know that talking to parents and future incoming students for two hours long is exhausting and hurts your throat?
That was my Saturday. I spoke with parents of all kind answering questions about my university, the dorm life, the student life, what activities we have, what the university offers etc.
It was exhausting and after that, I don't think I spoke until a couple of hours later.
Instead I made this cream cheese and jam combo on bread while snuggled in my bed watching TV.

Bread with Cream Cheese and Jam
2 slices of bread
cream cheese

Take two slices of bread and spread cream cheese on each slice, then spread jam on top.
Eat and be sweet.

The history of this cream cheese and jam combo came to me in Sweden. I don't know why or how it started it just did. It happened one day at work when I just combined the two and ate it. 
It was delicious and not many people know about this combination except for a few. 
It's so sweet yet savory at the same time and I try to eat it as much as I can. It's just that wonderfully good. 

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