Sunday, April 12, 2015

Liz and I

Simplicity with a struggle was the theme of my Wednesday.
The struggle was my rough Wednesday being represented through my salad presented in the next post. The struggle was also the process of making a simple peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I was watching 30 Rock in my living room finishing up my homework when I craved a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I pulled out my bread, my almond butter and my lingonberry jam that my mother gave me for Easter.
Just as I was attempting to open the new jar of Lingonberry, Liz Lemon in 30 Rock, happened to pick up a full water cooler to replace the old one.
"Liz Lemon and her Water Cooler"

Liz Lemon struggled with changing the water cooler and I struggled with opening a jar of lingonberry jam. It was like we were struggling together.
Liz and I, I and Liz, both struggling and both trying to defeat the gendered stereotypes that men can do the hard work like switching a water cooler and opening a jar of jam.
Liz defeated the water cooler with water puddles on the ground. I was defeated by the lingonberry jam jar with a puddle of sweat on the ground.
I axed the lingonberry jam for my sandwich and went for my Raspberry jam in the fridge and had a PB&J with Raspberry jam.

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
2 pieces of bread (toasted or not toasted)
peanut butter (or almond butter as I had)
Jelly (of any flavor your desire or can open)

Place two pieces of bread on a paper towel or plate. Spread peanut (almond) butter on each slice of bread and then spread jelly on each side. Put the two slices together and eat.

I went the un-hipster way and ate my food before taking a picture of it.

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