Tuesday, April 21, 2015


As posted previously, the avocado is our friend and despite its debate on what food gender it is (fruit or vegetable), as Californians we still love it, which is why I made it on a sunny Friday afternoon in the comfort of my own home.

Homemade Guacamole without the 25¢ charge
1 avocado
2 teaspoons of lemon juice

Take 1 avocado and cut it out of his shell with a knife. Place avocado in a bowl and mush it with a fork. Pour lemon juice in avocado mush and mix well. Sprinkle salt and pepper and mix guacamole mix well. Test taste to see if it needs more pepper, salt or lemon juice and add an as much as you like, if needed.
Do one last mix with your fork and pair it with some tortilla chips, bread or just eat it out of the bowl, whatever you prefer.

It's always five o'clock guacamole time somewhere. 

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