Tuesday, April 28, 2015

another late night toast

The toast-ca-pades are back and will keep coming, in different forms of sweetness, savory or plainness, the never ending toast posts will never stop.
And yes, this is the third day of me eating toasts and I know I shouldn't do that, but I'm an adult going on to be an grown-up adult so I can still kind of do what I want.
Especially after sitting at a desk for four and a half hours just sitting and sitting with little people interaction.
I had eaten dinner an hour before my shift and was perfectly fine and full but then two and a half hours later, I was starving.
Like starving, starving, not a craving, STARVING.
Okay, I might be exaggerating a bit, but I was hungry.
I tried sending a "Help Me" SnapChat to my co-workers but there was no response, only views, so there was that. I tried not thinking about food, but then I had to continue on this blog and that didn't help. I then went away from the blog and tried working on my homework that had nothing to do with food, but my stomach still kept on growling.
Ugh, I counted down the hours until I was back in my room ready to eat whatever I could find in my pantry.
The clock struck eleven and I was done with my shift. I power-walked to my room, opened my pantry and made this toast creation.

Sweet Late Night Toast
two slices of bread
almond butter (or peanut butter)
bananas- chopped
dried cranberries

Take two pieces of bread, and toast to your liking. While toasting, slice the bananas and apples. One toast is done, spread almond (peanut) butter on each piece of toast. Layer banana slices and apple slices on each slice and sprinkled dried cranberries.
Pair with cup of licorice tea or any kind of tea beverage of your choosing.
Snuggle in bed with it and sleep peacefully with a full satisfied stomach.

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