Monday, March 2, 2015

words on pictures

In this technological world, smartphones and Netflix are slowing taking over my world. Apps are blowing up on my iPhone and sometimes I ask myself "Are these necessary?" and yes they are necessary because I'm an app hoarder and find excuses for having those apps when in reality, I don't use them for months.
I downloaded one app for my internship and have become obsessed over it. Like obsessed where I use it for my personal photos not just for my internship. Like I'm using it for my photos of my food for this blog, it's become that obsessive.
Like when I made my snack before my long class, consisting of  dried cranberries, pistachios and avocados in my mason jar. The creation looked like a big green blob so I felt like I had to add some pizzaz so it wouldn't look unappealing so I used the app to add the pizzaz to my green glob of deliciousness.

Avocado, Pistachio & Dried Cranberries Mixture
1 8oz. mason jar
2 tbs. of dried cranberries
2 tbs. of unshelled pistachios
1/2 avocado

Slice avocado into slices and place into mason jar slightly smashed. Add cranberries and pistachios and mix. Seal and bring to class as a munchie.
See the "Basic Kitchen" logo? I did that.
I'm proud, it's an accomplishment and my snack doesn't look like a giant green blob. At least that's what I think.

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