Thursday, February 5, 2015

when dinner turns into late night nommie-noms

Thursdays are my longest school days. I have class from 9:20-10:35 then 1-4:40 then 5-8:40. How I manage to stay alive and not fidget in the school desks? Answer: lots of coffee and persistently looking at the clock. In between class breaks, I do what every student does and pull out my phone because it is attached to my hip, and I have greatly accepted that,  and I scroll through my social media endlessly.  Facebook scroll of endless statuses, articles about BeyoncĂ©, memes and ads and Instagram photos of quotes, babies and selfies, until I reach Food52.
Food 52, mentioned my pages as a source of inspiration, is my newest obsession in the food blog world and I've stalked their pictures like a thriller movie. Scrolling and double tapping and screens shotting, I found this little bread recipe that I just had to have. A quick bike ride to Oliver's (the Whole Foods of Rohnert Park) and a budget of $35 I bought the below ingredients and had time to buy the Petaluma County sandwich (the god of all Oliver's sandwiches) and a drink.

Dried Cranberries

Fun Fact: Did you know that a pound of shell-less pistachios nuts cost $12.99?
Thanks but no thanks Oliver's. Instead I bough a $5.99 box of pistachios in their shells and spend 20 minutes popping off the shells of the pistachios. That's how dedicated I was to this recipe. That's how dedicated I am to this blog and all you readers out there.
Also is it sad that I am more dedicated to peel off pistachio shells for a blog than my homework? Is it?
Dedication right there.

Banana, Cranberry, Pistachio "Toast" (PCB Toast)
2 pieces of bread
1 banana
almond butter or peanut butter
handful of dried cranberries
shell-less pistachios

Take two pieces of bread and spread almond butter/ peanut butter onto each slice.
Take one banana and chop it into slices and place on each bread piece.
Sprinkle dried cranberries and shell-less pistachios on top of each piece. Drizzle with honey and pair with water with apple slices in it in a mason jar like a hipster.

Fast forward to 5 hours later when I'm still craving this mixture but I know I shouldn't have bread again let alone that late at night. So I took all the components of above picture, minus the bread and almond butter and added chocolate chips.

Bananas, Pistachios, Chocolate Chips, Dried Cranberries & Honey
Take all the ingredients and mix them together and eat.

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