Sunday, February 8, 2015

oats on the the go

Over winter break, the one year my university decided to have a 5 week winter break instead of a typical 3 week, I spent it taking an American Multicultural Studies course to finish my units for graduation instead of going home. 8AM everyday I went to class, watched the critically acclaimed old-upcoming show The Wire, and learned about race, racial movements and ghettos. Interesting and fascinating as the subject was- not sarcastic I actually enjoyed the class, from 8AM-1:30PM, it was overwhelming at times and fortunately my professor realized that. With breaks in between, I would live off of cinnamon raisins bagels and lattes in my Starbucks Travel Thermos' or eat my Fiber One bars that I was obsessed with for two weeks.
One day after getting my 5th cinnamon raisin bagel slathered with cream cheese and my 2nd cup of coffee for the day, I saw a girl sitting behind me with oatmeal in a mason jar. When I saw it, I thought, "Oh I can do that", and then I was inspired.
With few mason jars I brought at home and a bin of oatmeal sitting in my mini-pantry, I took the inspiration and made oatmeal in a jar.
Left to right: Oatmeal & Cinnamon, Oatmeal-Cinnamon & Dried Cranberries, Oatmeal-Cinnamon-Bananas

I call them "Oats on the Go" to people or "Hipster Oatmeal" because let's be real, anything in a mason jar is a hipster thing to do.
Drink beer out of a mason jar- Hipster
Water out of a mason jar- Hipster
Jam in a mason jar- Old Fashioned and Hipster
Just holding a mason jar with Clark Kent glasses and a beanie with a flannel shirt and jeans- Hipster

Good night and have a pleasant meal. 

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