Thursday, July 2, 2015

male parental day

Father's Day. The day of dads, crazy ties, beer, bacon and everything unique about Dad.
Past years, Father's Day has always been about going out to dinner or staying in for dinner, eating Dad's favorite food and making him unique breakfast/desserts to celebrate.
Last Father's Day, I had returned from Sweden and hadn't celebrated my 21st in the United States, and the weekend I came back was the weekend of Father's Day, perfect planning right there on my part.
This year's Father's Day I graduated from college a month before, not so perfect planning and my sister and I took my dad our for dinner in the city- perfect planning. A lot of chorizo and other meats were involved along with churros and a major wine spill.
Also this bacon bread with bacon jam that I made the Sunday of.
Happy Father's Day

Bacon Cheese Bread
3 cups of flour
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 cup of shredded cheese (flavor of cheese to your liking)
4 slices of bacon-cooked and chopped
2 tablespoons of butter

Preheat oven to 400 and prepare the bacon.
Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and place bacon slices on it. Drizzle olive oil if desired or leave it plain (I left it plain).
Cook bacon for 7-12 minutes until cooked.
While bacon is cooking, combine flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar in a large bowl and whisk.
Once bacon is cooked, let cool and chop into pieces. Sprinkle into the mixture along with the cheese and butter and mix until all incorporated.
Pour into a loaf pan or mini-loaf pans. Bake at 50 minutes if using a 9x5 loaf pan or 20-25 minutes for mini loaf pans.

While bacon bread is baking and rising....

Backstory: I had discovered the invention of bacon jam when I was hungover after a night at the bars along with my sister and her boyfriend. They had taken me to a small San Francisco chain called Bacon, Bacon. My sister raved about this place when she discovered it one day and wanted to take me there before I ventured off to Sweden. The place, however, was closed due to a lawsuit the business was going through. The reason for the lawsuit, the business made a lot of bacon (hence the name Bacon, Bacon) and the smell of bacon would fill the neighborhood, heavenly yes?
Until few people complained about it. Why people would complain about the smell of bacon in their neighborhood? I don't know. I really don't know.
Luckily the business won and running well with two locations and a food truck.
And it was then, on that hungover day in July, I was introduced to bacon jam on my bacon breakfast sandwich. It was a magical experience. Tangy jam, with a little bit of sweetness to awake my mouth senses, mixed in with the greasiness of the egg and bacon and then the warmth of the bread.
It was the perfect hangover food and it still is the perfect hangover food.
I told myself, I had to make this bacon jam, IT HAD TO BE DONE!
But then I was assigned to work in a room with now kitchen and bacon jam had to be done in a kitchen, so I had to put it on hold.
Until Father's Day when it was the perfect time to do it.

 5 slices of bacon- cooked and cut into pieces
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 dash of cayenne pepper
1/3 cup of sherry vinegar
1/3 cup of maple syrup
1 teaspoon of balsamic vinaigrette
1 teaspoon of olive oil

Cook bacon over the stove on medium- heat until fully cooked. Remove the bacon and let soak on paper towel or napkin.
Add in chopped onions to the bacon grease and cook until onions are brown and soft about 10 minutes. Add in the brown sugar and stir. Cook for 5 more minutes until onions are sticky and brown. Add in the garlic and cayenne pepper and mix well. Cook 5 more minutes until garlic is soft. Ad in sherry vinegar, maple syrup and mix, the the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to low and stir until mixture is thick to prevent burning.
Add in balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil until fully mixed in.
Taste test the jam, if it is to salty add in more maple syrup or brown sugar, you want the first taste to be tangy but not sour and the after taste to be sweet with a little bit of tang to it, but not a lot to make your face pucker.
Once the jam is thick and all ingredients are mixed well, transfer to a bowl and let cool in the fridge for an hour. Spread on bacon bread and enjoy the bacon, on bacon, on bacon, on bacon.
Bacon, bacon fo'facon, fee fi fo bacon

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