In the beginning of the semester, when proposing this blog, I told my teacher that I would reach 100 posts with 1,000 viewers.
I don't know what was going through my head at this time, but this goal might not happen. With two jobs and 16 units, what the hell was I thinking?
With having a blog last year when I was abroad I hit 104 posts on my blog, so I thought if I could do it last year I could do it this year.
But then again, I did not have two jobs or 16 units, I had a weekly job and 15 units and a crap ton a free time.
I still don't know how I'm going to reach it all.
I mean I could, if I spend all day in my kitchen just cooking and cooking and cooking non-stop and never buying food I would hit 100 posts, but like I said before, two jobs and 16 units and I'm graduating in May.
So for now I will be doing the best I can, blogging and posting, so if you see a plethora of Instagram posts of my food, I'm not being annoying, I'm trying to get an A.
This also means that the big challenges that I have procrastinated this whole semester will be overcome.
The example of how much I have procrastinated on this particular big challenge can be shown in one of my favorite movies Julie & Julia. If you have not seen it, exit out of this blog, go to Target and buy it or find it online and watch it and then come back to this blog. PLEASE. It is one of my favorites and it will make the rest of this blog make so much more sense if you do watch it.
If that doesn't persuade you, then let this:
Meryl Streep is in it.
If that doesn't persuade you then we can't be friends anymore. I'm sorry, we just can't.
Throughout the film, Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is procrastinating on making a duck because it is difficult and doesn't make it until the very last day of her Julia Child challenge. It is mentioned throughout the film multiple times and when it comes to the last day and last recipe, she confronts the duck with a huge knife and cooks it perfectly.
This was me this morning but not with a duck and big knife. It was with two eggs and a fork.
I have been told that I could make eggs in a microwave for this blog. I knew it was possible as I used to do it when I was little when I left alone in the house. My mother had a little plastic contraption that you could crack eggs in it, close and seal it and it would make poached eggs. It was easy and edible and I never got sick.
Without that contraption, I had no idea if making eggs in the microwave would be safe to eat or even edible. People kept telling, "It's totally find if you make scrambled eggs in the microwave."
"You should make eggs!"
I just smiled and nodded each time I heard someone say that, but secretly I was terrified.
Was it worth the A to make myself sick off of something I made? Would I even be brave enough to admit that I got sick off of eggs cooked in the microwave? Would people trust me and this blog knowing that I got sick off eggs cooked in the microwave? Would people even eat my food knowing I got sick off my own cooking?
I got over the Carrie Bradshaw like questions in my head and faced the challenge this morning when I was craving a breakfast sandwich but didn't want to leave my room.
It was decided I would face the eggs like Julie Powell faced the duck. I would just have to breathe and take it like a women and if I got sick, then I got sick. People get sick off of their own food sometimes, I hope.....
So this morning at 10:30AM, I started my Egg Challenge and made scrambled eggs in the microwave.
Bagel Breakfast Sandwich
1 bagel (flavor of your choice but I used plain)
3 strips of bacon
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of milk
Handful of cheese
Cut bagel in half and toast it (or not if you don't have a toaster).
Take bacon sheet or plate and place bacon on the sheet/place and cover with a paper towel or napkin.
Microwave for 3 minutes or more depending on your liking of cooked bacon.
While bacon is cooking, take 2 eggs and whisk them well in a bowl for about 45 seconds. Add in salt, pepper, milk and cheese (or what ever else you put in your eggs).
Whisk all components together well.
Once bacon is done cooking, take out and place scrambled egg mixture in the microwave. Microwave for 45 second intervals stirring each interval.
As eggs are cooking, take bacon and cut it into strips. Then take the bagel and place bacon strips on each side.
Once eggs are done, place eggs on each side and put the bagel sandwich together.
Brew some coffee, put on some 30 Rock, take a picture and Instagram the shit out of this.
It has been almost 12 hours since eating this sandwich and I have not gotten sick yet.
I'm extremely proud of this like Julie Powell was when she conquered the duck. Except I wasn't wearing a pearl necklace and a cute outfit and having "Danny Castellano"'s face to stare at from across the table.
I was in my pajamas with no pearl necklace, staring at Tina Fey's face from my laptop still secretly wishing I was her.
Hi Tina.
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