Each week I go grocery shopping, my one goal is to make sure that I am eating healthy to show that even without a kitchen one can eat healthy and not put Top Ramen or Kraft Mac n Cheese in their mouths.
Each week I go to Oliver's with $35 in my budget making sure to not go over it.
Note: I have only gone over twice since starting this challenge. The first time I was over by $1.45 and the next time I was over $0.90.
I'm pretty proud of myself for doing that.
Like how proud I was this week for buying healthy, fresh produce and other necessities and only being $3 under.
So proud.
March 28th's Shopping List
Lactose Free Milk- $2.69
Mozzarella Cheese- $3.79
1 can of Kidney Beans- $0.99
Eggs (half of a dozen)- $1.89
Flax Seed (0.31 lb)- $0.74
Almonds- $6.79
Cream Cheese- $2.89
Cookie Dough (chocolate chip, cranberry kind)- $3.49
2 Avocados- $3.18
1 Cucumber- $0.49
*what I thought was basil, but actually watercress* #gome- $2.99
1 large tomato- $1.55
1 large red onion- $0.69
Total: $32.17
Ugh, so proud.
And I even bought flax seed. Just imagine, a 21 year old in shorts, sandals and a Vagina Monologues t-shirt and a messy bun buying flax seed like a grown up.
I do have a recipe for flax seed so that will not go to waste like my stale bread, I promise the flax seed will be in use and I will inspire all college students to buy flax seed and make them feel like grown-ups in a grown up world.
I mean even saying the word "flax seed" just makes me sound like a hipster grown-up, doesn't it?
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