In the continuing saga of foodlights, I have highlighted fruits and vegetables, but today I am highlighting a snack that has been popping up in my granola and some of my salads.
The almond.
Sometimes pronounced "al-manned" or "al-mund" the almond is the notable nut with multiple health benefits in its tear drop shaped.
I never used to like almonds (shocker) as I wasn't a fan of them when I was little. Now when it came to chocolate covered almonds, that was different. Well kind of.
I would take the chocolate covered almond and eat all the chocolate off of the almond and then put it back in the bowl and do it until all the chocolate was off all the almonds.
I would literally do this all the time as a child. I really didn't like almonds, until later on in life. Like now.
The Almond
- They are used as a solution for constipation, respiratory disorders, coughs, heart disorders, diabetes and also helps maintaining hair, teeth and skin. (Which is probably why I haven't needed to straighten my hair these past weeks because the almonds make my hair look flawless!
It could also be that I'm just a lazy second semester senior in college.)
- Almonds are used to make almond oil which can be used for cooking, and used to make almond milk as a substitute for those who can't drink milk, a.k.a, my sister.
- You can eat almonds when you have an empty stomach to increase speed and absorb nutrients.
- Almonds are good for brain health. In other words, the more you eat almonds, the higher your intellectual levels.
Why didn't anyone tell me this while I was in school? I would have eaten almonds every day and it could have helped my science and math grades and the other classes I struggled through in high school and college.
Of course, I would find this out my last semester of my academic career.
The almond has other multiple nutritional value to them but writing them all down would make it extremely long and sound like a science text book and as said earlier and a couple of sentences ago, science is not my thing. Also this blog is about food and food recipes not science, so there you go.
For more information about almonds click on the link below: (that sounded like a commercial didn't it?)
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