Have you?
If you have, then you will understand my struggle.
If you have not, then you are lucky.
Starting at 6:45 p.m. and ending at 11p.m., I was prepared. I had my laptop, laptop charger, iPhone charger, homework that I was planning on doing (but let's be real, I was just telling myself that, I actually didn't do my homework), I had my coffee thermos filled with coffee and a mason jar filled with granola.
As a tribute to National Beer Day and not being able to drink at work, I put my coffee in my Prague tumbler, from my abroad times as Prague was the city where I consumed the most beer (also I don't have a Germany one because I forgot to get one, so there's that). The granola, was to have a healthy snack while at the desk, but then I forgot a fork, so I only got to eat a little bit of it.
There goes my preparedness for the night.
But ignoring my disorganization and lack of fork for my granola, here is the recipe. I hope you don't forget a fork.
Granola in a Mason Jar
1 small mason jar
1/4 cup of granola (flavor of your choice)
handful of almonds
handful of dried blueberries (or any kind of fruit)
dash of cinnamon
dash of brown sugar
Pour granola into mason jar. Mix almonds and dried blueberries and mix. Sprinkle cinnamon, brown sugar and honey into mason jar and mix well making sure all or most of the ingredients are covered in the cinnamon, brown sugar, honey mixture.
Bring a fork and enjoy the granola.
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