It was the same thing every year. The day to consume junk food like a garbage truck, binge watch TV before it was cool, or give up MySpace because it was the coolest social media at the time.
It was the day before waking up extra early to go to 8AM mass to get globs of ashes on our forehead and see who in the class could leave theirs the longest or whose ashes ended up on their nose. Meat would not be consumed and Fridays when it was pizza day, there would be no pepperoni, only cheese, much to the dismay of those pepperoni lovers.
Catholic school always kept me in the know of what religious holiday was coming up. Now in college with no one to tell you when Fat Tuesday is or when Easter is, you have to figure it out yourself, I sometimes forget.
My first year in college during the times of Lent, I vowed to wear every pair of shoes in my closet and every item of clothing at least once a day, because, as a college freshman, I brought too much stuff but never used it. Also I did this, so that when my mother would ask me "Do you actually wear these?" I would say yes.
My second year of Lent...well...sad to say I really don't remember it. Not that I had certain adult beverages in my at the time, I didn't I swear. I just really don't remember Lent my sophomore year of college. Sorry Catholic school.
And as for my third year, well I'll just blame it on the fact that I was out of the country and when one is out of the country studying abroad one doesn't really know what day it is. The only time one does, is when traveling is involved.
As for this year...well I don't know. I'm not a fan of giving up things because I always find a way to really need that one thing. Like I really need Netflix. Like you don't understand my life without Netflix is like life with no meaning. What was life before Netflix?
I have yet to come with something to do or give up during these 40 days. Maybe it will be to cook more in my basic kitchen and have a post everyday for 40 days. Maybe give up junk let's be real. If you have a close friend like me, who has a serious obsession with Taco Bell, like he does, then you know junk food is out of the picture. We'll see.
In the spirit of Fat Tuesday, I had a maple doughnut for breakfast, advice taken from my internship boss and also the reason because I had not had a doughnut..since well...a really long time, so I deserved one. I then treated myself to grilled cheese and french fries. Then, don't worry, I huge spinach salad with veggies and a bowl of stir-fry.
Oh and two mason jars of chocolate chip banana bread.
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread in a Mason Jar
2 tbsp. flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. brown sugar
2 1/2 tbsp. milk
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 tbsp. peanut butter or nut butter
2 tbsp. of chocolate chips ( or more if you like it über chocolatey)
Add flour and baking powder into mason jar. Add in brown sugar and milk and mix until there are no clumps. Add mashed bananas and peanut (or nut) butter and stir well making sure everything is incorporated. Microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds (or less or more depending on your microwave). Eat two and then one more for breakfast the next day.
Happy Fat Tuesday from my Basic Kitchen to yours.
Also if you are wondering, I have decided what I will do for the 40 days of Lent. I shall post one picture a day from this blog onto my Instagram so it will be 40 of sending positive waves to your iPhone or smart phone product. AND...I will give up makeup. Yes, for 40 days, I will be walking around looking zombie-like tired, so if you see me, I'm not trying to scare you I'm just trying to be Lent-ful. If that's a word, which I'm sure it's not. Okay, whatever, I haven't been to Catholic school in 4 years, don't judge me.
Just make this banana bread and be happy, if you haven't given up bread for Lent, if you have, just stare at this photo pretending you are eating it.
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